Natural Wool

Natural Wool: Ideal in a Mattress

Wool Is The Best

Even after thousands of years, wool is still the ideal fiber for sleep comfort. That's why we use only pure wool as a mattress filling and why European Sleep Design carries so many wool bedding products.Wool in bowl

Warmth, free from humidity

Wool creates an optimal sleeping environment: it is warm and breathable, without harboring moisture. The structure of wool fiber is naturally permeable, enabling air circulation. This helps to regulate sleeping temperature by allowing your perspiration to evaporate.

You sleep more soundly

The polyester fiberfill that lines most mattresses tends to hold moisture, creating high humidity, increased heat, and a restless night’s sleep. Wool can hold up to 30% of its weight in moisture resulting in less humidity and drier sleep. Decreased moisture also means fewer dust mites and potential allergens.

For more info see: Humidity and Heart Rate

We start with eco-certified wool

Our wool is certified clean by Oeko-Tex to their strictest Oeko-Tex 100 Level I (baby) standard - and is free from pesticides or other harmful chemicals. Learn more about our Plein Air wool here.



I think I'm allergic to wool. I don't like the way wool feels against my skin. It's itchy. What about wool allergies?

There's no known allergy specifically to wool. And the wool in the mattress never contacts the skin. It's underneath the organic cotton cover so you won't even feel it or even know it's there, except that it will constantly be working to keep you dryer as you sleep, so you won't feel hot and clammy (or cold and clammy). Dryer sleep equals deeper sleep which equates to feeling more rested.